#— #permalink: / #title: “Bravo You For Finding me!” #excerpt: “About me” #author_profile: true #redirect_from:

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Hi! I am Yumeng Zhang, a computational biochemist. I currently work as a postdoc associate at [Prof. Zhang's Lab](https://zhanggroup.mit.edu/). I am tring to use machine-learning and Molecular dynamics simulations to understand the large scale biomolecular activities (like liquid-liquid phase separation.) I had my Ph.D. degree from University of Massachusetts Amherst on 2024 Feb. I was a grad student in [Prof. Chen's lab](https://people.chem.umass.edu/jchenlab/). (Many unforgettable and vivid memories there! wow!) I am still not 100% sure about the direction of my future career... But I am walking on the academic path towards science (for now, on 2024).


My research interest is

My research interest is


My research interest is

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My research interest is

My research interest is